Achieving Better Outcomes
This course can be attended as a level up from the basic consumer vulnerability awareness training session but also as a stand alone.
Learn about the different aspects of consumers, vulnerability, the diverse nature of consumers, inclusive services, the current consumer landscape and communications. An interactive training course for businesses and organisations who support consumers.
Everyone has the right to understand and be understood. This course is designed to help you understand the differing needs and desired outcomes of consumers.
Providing inclusive services and greater consumer support can enhance business reputation.
Who is it for?
This course is designed for consumer facing businesses, small and medium sized enterprises.
What’s covered
✔ Consumer vulnerability
✔ Inclusive service provision
✔ The diverse nature of consumers, neurodiversity, age, gender
✔ The current landscape and current consumer issues
✔ Communication, language and plain English
✔ Managing consumer expectations
✔ Redress and complaints
Learning objectives
✔ To help you identify and assist consumer vulnerability
✔ To help you understand the diverse nature of consumers
✔ To help you ensure that consumers receive the information necessary in the right format to make informed decisions and are not exploited
✔ To help ensure the consumer gets the best outcomes for themselves
✔ To help develop strategies to ensure consumer vulnerability, inclusion and diversity are always considered
✔ Provide the opportunities for considering how you can change things within your own organisation
Training options available
✔ Virtual classromm
✔ eLearning
✔ Face to face